Wheat From Organic Farms


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Product description


Wheat is an all-round grain. Wheat is particularly suitable for making dough and baked goods. In addition to the high proportion of carbohydrates, wheat flour has very good adhesive proteins, which ensure a very good binding capacity of the dough. Mixed baked goods made from rye, various grains and a portion of wheat result in our experience the best baking results.

Use of Bioland wheat

Wheat is suitable for bread, rolls, cakes and small pastries. Thanks to the high adhesive content, wheat can be easily used in the dough guide and for all bread and baking products. Wheat is suitable for semolina production and as a boiled grain side dish. Wheat germinates very reliably and is uncomplicated for pulling grain sprouts. For flakes, moisten the wheat grains beforehand and allow to dry.

Special features in cultivation

Wheat comes from the Urkorn Einkorn. The wheat places the highest demands on our ecological cultivation. Clover or clover grass as pre-fruit, gentle soil processing and intensive green manure, chopping and curry as well as partly own yard varieties characterise this valuable fruit.

Ingredients & allergens

  • Wheat grains from controlled organic cultivation.
  • Contains gluten.
  • May contain other gluten-containing cereal products, lupine products, mustard and mustard products.

Quality features Bioland wheat.

  • Whole grain
  • From non-GMO cultivation.
  • From our own cultivation or from certified and friendly Bioland companies (from domestic cultivation).
  • Fresh harvest (2020).
  • Courtyard cleaning.
  • Brushed and dusted
  • No heating.
  • No gassing.
  • No CO² treatment.
  • No pesticide use.
  • No pressure chamber treatment.
  • Free from any additives.
  • Raw quality.
  • Vegan
  • High germination capacity.
  • Low residual moisture.
  • versan



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